The Art of Being Seen


Over the past few years, a lot has changed for us, both externally and internally.

One of the biggest shifts we have experienced is how we want to relate to others and each other—noticing how impactful relationships can be when we dare to move through the surface and meet each other from a vulnerable, raw and honest perspective. It can be hard to reveal ourselves just the way we are. To let ourselves be seen through another person’s eyes. But that is where the magic happens.

We have never liked the small talk. We have never enjoyed staying stuck on the surface - it feels like we cannot move the energy or learn anything from this place. Our greatest desire is to dive deep. To cultivate safe spaces where we can come into beingness with one another, without pretense. That is something we have been making room for in our personal lives, as well as in how we create with others. As we have been moving through all our relationships this way, we noticed how much expansiveness this space can bring to visionaries and anyone who has a soulful project to bring to life.


It takes courage to be a creative visionary and to live in a way that is fully guided by our visions. Embracing a life that allows the unfolding of that dream we hold so dearly within - choosing the way which nurtures the seed to grow

A person who is pregnant with a vision often feels odd in this world. David and I know this from, well… our own life experiences! We have often been labeled as the crazy artists, the bold and wild ones. And yet, this has been quite a natural way for us to live. It hasn’t felt crazy at all, but rather the opposite. It has felt like an extremely healthy, wise, and mature thing to do. At our core, we all know this. It is just harder to put it into practice.


At the heart of the overwhelming question, the center of that search for purpose within the abyss of life, is a little flame flickering. One burning center has always held the knowledge of why we are here. Hinting, beckoning, begging us to look back at our childhood years and the things we have done (or used to do) without thinking, for the joy of it. It comes through in those moments of sheer bliss, which feel like entering several dimensions at once or stepping into our version of heaven on earth. 

Just as I am typing this, the sun has appeared behind the clouds, shining brightly in the room. The Universe is listening. And now, more than ever, it is asking us to reveal what wants to be seen.


The beauty of this path is that it’s not a solitary one. Our modern, individualistic narrative of society has made us feel separate from each other, as if we each have to build our temples entirely. We think that we need to have everything figured out on our own and feel like absolute failures when we can’t get when we need help. We feel defeated when we run into blockages and feel like a “lost cause” when we go through moments of self-sabotage. There is a straightforward remedy, and it’s all about opening up and seeking support.  

Let’s observe Nature, our greatest teacher. A tree grows with the support of other plants - with the help of other older trees who share their nutrients. It relies on the healthy soil that contains it, that sees where this tree wants to go. The soil sees the tree from the moment it is nothing but a mere seed and holds the space for it, so it can thrive and be witnessed by all.

You and I are like this tree. We need to be witnessed. We need to be seen and held. We need to take our visions from the deep dark void within to the fertile space that resides without, that is connected to the greater whole. 

Sometimes it can be hard to see yourself, so the greatest gift is to let yourself be seen by another.


The visions we hold are not ours alone, they are seeds to create goodness in the world. They are waiting to be shared. This thing you dream of creating is waiting to be witnessed and co-created in a safe space with other people. It is much like birthing a child. You know what they say: it takes a village to raise a child.  

Potential is a beautiful, consciousness-altering, and expansive thing to celebrate together.


Ever since being on this journey, it has struck us to notice just how much sparkly energy is generated when one creative visionary shares their vision with another. Whenever we have gotten together with other creative friends, whenever clients and strangers have confided in us and told us about their deepest longings, something magical happens. Most of the time, they don’t even have to tell us about those visions. It’s something we feel because we see it.

Being with one another in a safe space means we naturally let go of our masks and become each other’s mirrors. That creates a powerful energy field between us. Suddenly it feels like we are in a powerful vortex together, where we can manifest absolutely anything and where we can imagine the unimaginable into reality.

When you find people that you can really trust to share your vision with when even the thought of it brings a deep resonance in your heart, you know you are in for a treat - and a powerful activation. There is an art to being SEEN. It takes the courage to look outside of yourself. It takes the acceptance of being helped and supported. It takes trust in the other person’s ability to see you and your intuition.

It is a gratifying path for any creative person and anyone who wants to follow their calling, to birth anything soulful into this world: an aligned business, a soulful life, a vibrant community, a whimsical vessel for their artistic expression, a magical project that weaves one’s gifts and wisdom, to be of greatest benefit to our collective. 


Being seen can mean having a friend (or a few) that really “get you” and that you can trust to be your sidekick. Have co-working dates, collective calls, or circles in which you speak your dreams and struggles. Or it can mean investing in your vision and having someone embodying this creative way, whose own visionary process you admire, to guide and support you in your journey. Find someone who will hold space for you and be an active part of your team. You can have a fellow creative mentor (like ourselves) by your side and feel that abundant energy pushing you forward. 

Over the years, we realized that THIS had been our absolute favorite part of working with other creative beings to bring their visions to life. My favorite part of every branding project has always been the beginning - when we dive deep together and find that special place of potential. We name it. We alchemize it. We bring it from thought to form through visual interpretation. It’s a highly potent process that has deeply touched our clients and us because it is revelatory. We can simply not back on this Truth we unearth together.

During these past few months, our desire to help others this way has grown and solidified even more. We know the struggles of creative beings and want to be of service now more than ever. It is not just about designing soulful brands that reflect one’s vision (although that lays a rock-solid foundation). It is about helping others create structure, feel a strong sense of clarity and direction all the way through, move through roadblocks, and explore a vast field of possibilities.


Our realities expand when we witness each other and build our worlds together.


Being seen is all about Intimacy & Togetherness. Those are our key intentions for 2023. 

If this resonates with you and you have a vision you wish to be supported with, reach out to us. We can’t wait to SEE you and bring your dreams into a powerful vortex of creative possibilities. May this year be one of magic, fertile creativity, and nourishing connections.


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