The Art of Self Care in a Chaotic World

We live in a time that feels intensely transitional,
with more ebbs and flows than ever before. 

In fact, it often feels like there’s just too much of all of that: too much activity, and so much that is going on, that is endlessly screaming for our attention and concern - and rightfully so. None of it is truly minor, or worth ignoring. There is injustice. There is confusion, pain, and worry about the future of our world. And so much more that keeps coming to the surface. 

In these times we might even feel called to use this word that my ancient greek ancestors came up with: Apocalypse. We have often used this term to describe chaos, and something irreversible like the end of the world - but if we allow ourselves to interpret the true meaning of this word, it will lead us to find that apocalypse simply means “a revelation”. A removal of layers, like when we lift the veil and find what lies underneath. 

For me, that definition feels more accurate to what we are experiencing. None of it came out of the blue - it had been there all along. Kept deeply in the collective unconscious. What is happening is that the veil is becoming thinner and thinner. We are now confronted with what has been kept in the dark for so long, and it is bringing much turmoil. It feels intense, because it also seems to be happening all at once.

The intensity of this experience can really put us in a complete state of ungrounding and questioning, as we ask ourselves “what can I do?”, “how can I help?”, “how can I change this?”. Which are all important questions that we should ask ourselves every once in a while. It is in our nature to care - because we have a heart and all we want for the world is love, justice and harmony.

However, the more we dive into the news and the more attention we give to the painful things that are happening around the world, the more we find ourselves feeling like there’s nothing that we can do. We are left powerless. And that brings us to feel frustrated, exhausted, and depressed. We all know this feeling very well, and we know how low it can bring us. On days like these, we get caught up in the dark fog of our minds. We miss out on all the beauty that might be surrounding us. We no longer notice the gifts that come to us in our waking moments. We can’t find the means to be grateful.

Heck, we might even forget that we are alive. 


Our lives are one precious opportunity. But we can only fully understand this once we grasp how much power lies within every one of us. Think about it. Why are we here? Each and every one of us is a soul, that has chosen to inhabit our physical body. How could this happen for no reason? 

Within each and every one of us, there is a creative force and potential. Our essence. We are all here to do something in this lifetime. And what we’ll do will affect the world around us. Perhaps we will create art and weave words that will inspire people. Perhaps we will craft medicines and tools for people to reach peak health. Perhaps we will hold space for our loved ones to heal. Perhaps we will become useful to our community. Perhaps we will become great parents. Perhaps we will learn, teach and transmit new ways of thinking. Perhaps we will contribute to creating exciting opportunities and shifting the paradigm. 

Perhaps we’ll do a little bit of all of that, and we might not ever notice how much positive impact it’ll have. But it will. Because are all connected, and not separate from each other. All the good things we will do and create in this life, every single action and thought that has been pulled from our deepest core and highest self - has the potential to create a huge ripple effect of positive impact. One that affects the people around us. And our friends. And our community. And the world as a whole. 

By connecting to our higher selves, we can tap into the loving source that exists within every single one of us. We can live our purpose through that inner power which is infinite and abundant. 

Our highest self does not judge us, like our mind and our ego might do. Our highest self does not sabotage us with doubts, feelings of inadequacy, guilt or powerlessness. No. Our highest self truly loves us, and wants us to radiate that love outwards.

Our highest self only asks us of one thing: to take care of ourselves. It is a simple concept. If we do not take care of ourselves, then how can we possibly operate from that higher place and do all the great work of our lives, that will benefit humanity? If we feel low and powerless, then how could we possibly help to empower and raise the vibration of the whole world?

Self care. It is our single, most precious tool - especially in times of turmoil. 

Many of us have preconceptions about self care, which aren’t serving us at all - and that we really need to let go of. We often associate self care with being selfish, for example. We might also have resistance to self care, because “there are always more important things to do”. I hear you! My own mind often pesters me with these words, and they are very familiar. But it’s an illusion, and we mustn’t lie to ourselves.

We really have to practice self care to see it unfolding, and notice what a huge difference it can make: not just in our own realities but in the greater reality of us all. 

Take a moment to think about the times that you have felt good in your body. The times where you have felt relaxed, grounded, happy and connected. If you allow yourself to dive into the memory of those experiences, you’ll quickly notice how many beautiful and positive things happened through those moments. You might have had great ideas. You might have begun a new endeavour. You might have written a post about something that is important and that will inspire others. You might have treated your loved ones with impeccable kindness, helped a neighbour, or might have held space for somebody. Because in that state, you could - and you had the power to.

That isn’t so accessible when we project the pain of the world onto us. When we let worry and anxiety take over and feel debilitated. When we allow ourselves to be embodied by harmful energy. In those times, we become the toxicity of our thoughts. We create more pain, and inflict it upon ourselves and onto others. How could we love ourselves so little, how could we despise the world so much? Why would we even allow this to happen? Why would that be ok? It is in those times that we should stop, notice what is happening, and take responsibility. 


We are responsible for our wellbeing. We are responsible and capable of choosing positive over negative impact, always and in every waking moment. We are responsible for taking a moment, taking a breath, tuning in and letting go of energies which are not ours to keep.

We are responsible for treating our body and our heart with nothing but love, so that we can radiate all of this outwards. We are responsible for tending to our minds with meditation, rest and stillness, so that we can send clear and positive thoughts out to the universe. We are responsible for connecting to ourselves, and connecting to nature, so that she can guide our next steps and offer gifts in reciprocity. We are responsible for serving ourselves, so that we can serve the world.

A grounding Meditation

to re-connect to your Highest Self

Come to a seat or lay on your back. Close your eyes. Bring your awareness to your breath. Allow your breath to tune you into the present. Allow the sensation of gravity to connect to your physical body. Now visualize your energy and feel into your body, all the way from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Do this visualisation very slowly, so that you can notice any sensations, whether they are subtle or pronounced. Do you feel tension in any part of your body? Do you feel that there is energy that’s not yours to hold? Take notice. Then, imagine a stream of water running through you. It can be like a gentle stream, a flowing river or a powerful current. Let that water carry away anything you wish to release. Repeat this as many times as you need, until you feel complete. If you feel like releasing even more, you may do so with strong, audible exhalations. Thank yourself for taking this time to tune into your greater consciousness. Let that cleansed state of mind be what guides you through the day.

The reality of our world starts within every single one of us. 

May we allow ourselves to always re-member.

Linda Pappa


Pigment to Paint | An introspection (+ Short Film) with Vyana Novus